- Transcript fee (per copy): $15.00
- Graduation Fee (last semester): $100
- Parking Permit (Olean only): $230 for the academic year
- Optional Graduate Health/Accident Insurance per year: $4,300
- Optional Graduate Richter Center (fitness center) fee: $240 per year or $135 per semester; $30 for summer session
- Counseling graduate programs fee for software and internship supervision: $500 (assessed first semester)
*International students are required to sign up for the student health insurance
The university reserves the right to alter the above fees without notice.
International students please note: If your scholarship money exceeds the amount of tuition or designated room grants, you may be responsible for a 14% foreign scholarship tax,
depending on your country of origin.
The graduate catalog contains information regarding late fees and refund policies.
Business Office Contact Information
(716) 375-2100
Fax: (716) 375-2005